We had our annual Christmas Store this past Saturday. The Christmas Store is an event where people from our community can come and purchase toys and gifts for their children at 25% of the regular cost. We receive our toys and gifts from our partnership with Memphis Urban Ministry. They receive them from churches and individuals across the Memphis area who care about the poor and want to ensure they have a blessed Christmas as well. We had 63 individuals come through this year and purchased gifts for 258 children. This outreach allows these families to purchase toys for their own kids at affordable prices without forcing them to accept another handout that strips them of their dignity. Here are some pictures from this past Saturday.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
The next couple of weeks I will spend some time reflecting out loud about my time at
Thursday, December 13, 2007
C3 Live!
The guys who are in the group are from across various denominational lines. For their first show(and only six practices) it was great! For now they are planning on playing every first Saturday of the month. They are hoping to add more in the future.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Update on Jeremy
More Info: Jeremy has made some great improvements-including sitting up (ability to stay awake for extended periods) and talking. All glory is to God. I was with the family when the doctors told Linda (his mom) he would not survive and was brain dead. Although Jeremy has an infection (which they believe he contracted while at the MED) and is currently quarantined , they do not believe it is life-threatening. Because the infection is connected to his feeding tube, Jeremy has not be feed for three days. They don't know if the infection is just around the stomach or if it is in the stomach as well. Jeremy has still not started to eat anything by mouth again yet. All food is being given through the feeding tube. Please continue to pray for Jeremy and his family.
More Football Reflections
Additionally, I did not expect (but very glad to see) Alabama get a bowl game. With so many SEC teams bowl eligible, I expected the Tide to get left out with a 6-6 record. I thought we would need at least a 7-5 record to go bowling. I will be watching on Dec 30th as Bama plays Colorado in the Independence Bowl. Roll Tide!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
SEC Football Reflections
On the other hand there were two things that have completely surprised me in the SEC recently. First, Arkansas beat LSU! I would have never predicted that. I thought for sure that LSU was going to come out focused and take care of business knowing that losing would end their national championship hopes. Let me say for the record that I hate the overtime system in college football. It may work well for other conferences and teams in the NCAA, but not the SEC. Every season there multiple games that go 3+ overtime periods in SEC play (both games LSU has lost this year were 3+ overtime loses). The SEC teams beat each other up and are just too good. Giving teams the ball on the 25 yard line practically guarantees a score each possession. I don't know that they need to play a whole overtime period equal to a regular quarter of play, but I do believe some kind of timed overtime period that is fully played (no sudden death) is what is needed. Maybe something in the eight to ten minute range with fourth quarter rules applying. Each team could receive 2 timeouts. If the game is still tied at the end of the overtime period, then allow the game to end in a tie. Ties could be factored into the BCS and would definately make the current system even more interesting (although I am also for a playoff system-but that is another post for another time).
Second, living in Arkansas I have constantly heard the dissatisfaction with coach Nutt and the desire of the fans to have a new head coach. There were some that doubted the U of AR would let him go since he just signed an extension (before this season if I remember correctly). Also, all he has done is win at the U of AR. He has not been a bad coach with a losing record. So, I was surprised when he resigned from the Razorbacks and headed to Oxford, MS to be the new head coach at Ole Miss. People around here are glad he is gone. I will be very interested next season when the AR-Ole Miss game comes up on the schedule. That rivalry will now be more intensive than ever.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Cool New Tool & Bama
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Right Time
Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 talks about how there is a time and a season for every activity on earth. It was the summer of 2000 when I was attending Harding Graduate School that I took the Urban Ministry class and was first introduced to Memphis Urban Ministry. That began the process for me (and Amy) to move from the boot heel of Missouri (where I was a pulpit minister) to come to the Memphis area and work at Wonder City. Amy and I moved here January 6, 2001 and began working at Wonder City on February 1, 2001. Although things were financially difficult for us for a while that was the right time for us. The past six plus years have been very rewarding for us and we would not give up this experience for anything.
However, now it is time for me to move on from Wonder City. This past September the elders at Missouri Street asked me to look at whether I was the right person to lead Wonder City long term considering it would only be a one person ministry for a while. After Amy and I both retook the Uniquely You personality profiles, had a couple of career consulting sessions and met with several other individuals along with much prayer, it was obvious that my gifts and personality would be best used by God in another role. Because of our love for Wonder City (and Missouri Street) this decision was not made lightly and was very difficult.
During this time I was also presented with the opportunity to become the Director of Development for Memphis Urban Ministry This new job will allow me to work more out my spiritual gifts than where I am currently as the minister of Wonder City. This new job will also allow me to continue to work for the future success of Wonder City (along with all the other urban churches) again by focusing my time and energy on those areas where God has gifted me. At this time there are still a few final steps that need to be taken to fully secure this new position, however, I fully believe this new position is God’s will.
The elders and I are still working towards determining an actual last day—probably at the end of the year. The work at Wonder City is God’s work (Eccles. 3:14). It was not my ministry. It is God’s ministry and I fully believe that he will continue to what he has been doing to reach those to whom Wonder City appeals and reaches out to. The elders have also reassured me and the Wonder City members that they are still very much behind the ministry at Wonder City and will work to find a new minister for Wonder City.
More on Jeremy
The latest news from Linda (Jeremy’s mom) is that he is slowly improving. This past Sunday they medical staff had Jeremy up and in a chair for a couple of hours. That was the most he could tolerate before they had to move him back to his bed. They still have him somewhat sedated, but not as much as before. They are hopeful that Jeremy can be moved to a room where they will be able to visit him at any time (verses designated times only) soon.
Sorry for the delay with the news. I have been sick the past couple of days with a sinus infection. I am better today after going to the doctor yesterday.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Highs and Lows
However, this high was followed by a low on Monday evening when this same young man was arrested for shoplifting. His mom dropped him off at the grocery store to get some food and the next thing she knows he is being escorted out in handcuffs by a police man. According to A.V. the reason he was shoplifting was to get out of the gang which he belonged and this was what they required to get "jumped out." He spent Monday night in jail and had a court appearance on Wednesday morning.
Life is often messy in urban environments where the desire to do the right thing and peer pressure to do otherwise is often much stronger than anything I have ever personally experienced. I don't know what exactly is ahead of this young man as he deals with his legal issues, but I hope that he learns from this experience. I also hope that he is telling the truth and he was trying to get out of the gang since he had given his life to Jesus.
More on Jeremy
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
News on Jeremy
I apologize for it being a couple of days since I have updated the information on Jeremy.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Update on Jeremy
The picture is of Jeremy this past June at Uplift.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bring a Friend Sunday
(caption reads, "for all you visiting, let me reassure you that the overhead usually works, the lady who water the plants is just on vacation, and the lapel mike is never ordinarily misplaced...")
Well, we had that type of Sunday. Our volunteer teachers for our 3-5 year old class didn't show up. I had several audio-visual things planned-none of it worked. The worship leader changed a couple of songs mid-service with no words for the new songs. In many ways yesterday was not the day I was hoping and praying for. Amy says that God was laughing in my face for putting the cartoon in our bulletin.
However, at the same time when things don't go the way I planned it is for a reason. God is usually demonstrating that he can take something that looks like a train wreck and make something good out of it. We had two men at church yesterday who I don't know have ever been there. One of those men is the husband of one of our Servant Leaders-Ann. In fact, she had not invited him to come with her yesterday. However, she was completely shocked when he woke up yesterday and asked her what he needed to wear to church. Yesterday afternoon when Amy and I were at the hospital visiting Jeremy he was also there and he told me "good sermon." In spite of the train wreck that was yesterday's worship service, God opened his heart received the message from yesterday's worship.
Update on Jeremy
Many prayers are still needed. There is still a long road ahead and it is still a wait and see situation.
At this time there is still no offical news on exactly what happened.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Young Black Men & Violence
However, an event occurred yesterday that preempted the other post. One of our 18 year old young men (Jeremy) was shot yesterday. At this point in the investigation the police do not know if the gunshot was self-inflicted or someone else shot him. He and his family are not doing well. The bullet from a “small caliber revolver” entered through the mouth and bounced around inside his brain where it remains. Although he still has too much function to be declared legally brain dead there is nothing more the doctors can do for him. According to the doctors “it is just a matter of time.”
Whether this was self-inflicted or not this event is just a grave reminder of violence in the lives of young black men. A couple years ago some young men from the neighborhood were playing Russian Roulette and a young man picked up the gun, spun the barrel and said, “What the *#@!, I have nothing to live for.” He then pulled the trigger and killed himself. Although we don’t know yet exactly what happened in Jeremy’s case, how sad and disturbing it is for a young man to play Russian Roulette because they don’t believe they have anything worth living for. When one has no hope of an education or a job or a decent standard of living, it can appear as though there is nothing to live for. Even if one wouldn’t be attempting suicide any other way, just sitting around and playing such a dangerous game with such a thought running through one’s mind blows me away.
Jeremy though did have something to live for. He had moved out of his momma’s house earlier in the year—a young man wanting his independence. However, just three days before this happened he had returned home. He had spoken to his mom about going down to the community college and getting his GED. He rode to and from church Wednesday night with me on the church van. At no time did he appear to be someone who was contemplating suicide. If this was a self-inflicted g.s.w. I have no idea what he could have been thinking—nor does any of his family.
On the other hand if he was shot by someone else, Jeremy has become just another statistic of black on black violence. One more scenario of a black man attempting (at this point) to kill another black man. What happened or what an argument could have been about is still unknown. Jeremy and another young man were alone in the back of a house where this took place. However, what is known is that we have become a culture that is desensitized to violence. Guns are too easy to get a hold of. It is time for the violence and the killing to stop!
Let me be perfectly clear, at this point it is still unclear exactly how Jeremy was shot. The police have not said one way or the other. However, I couldn’t help thinking about both scenarios and reflect about how many of our young black men in our society are “fated” to such a premature and violent death.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Busy and Exciting Times
Wednesday I wrote that there are some exciting things awaiting me when I get back to Memphis. Here is a quick summary of some of those exciting things.
- Last Sunday we had over 60 in attendance. Although I was out of town this past Wednesday night (here at CCDA) I heard there were quite a few there then as well. I know that it has been at least a couple of months since we have had 60 on a Sunday morning.
- Next weekend we will probably have a few teens who attend the Camp Tahkodah Retreat with our supporting church. This has always been a great time for our teenagers. Each year I have been blessed at Tahkodah to have deep and meaningful conversations with some of teens about their lives and spiritual matters. Two years ago I even had the privilege of baptizing one of them at Tahkodah.
- Next Sunday, October 21st, those who are at Wonder City will celebrate our 8th Anniversary. Eight years ago on the third Sunday in October Wonder City held its first Sunday worship service. (Of course the work began earlier in 1999 with a block party that spring that lead to a children’s church and a group that started meeting for a prayer and Bible Study on Wednesday nights.) Amy & I weren’t around on that first Sunday. We came in January, 2001. Although we are not planning any special celebration it is a major accomplishment to celebrate 8 years! It has also been a very interesting and fun ride for Amy and I over the past 6+ years.
- The following weekend on Sunday, October 28th, we will have our first annual Bring a Friend Sunday. I am very excited about this opportunity for several reasons. First, this was not my idea. Nor, was it an idea of anyone from here at our supporting church. This was an idea of one of Wonder City’s church members that other church members bought into. Second, since our members have taken ownership with this idea I am excited to see how many visitors we have that Sunday. I am expecting several people who have never been to Wonder City to be there that Sunday. I am so pumped about this weekend that I have already started planning the worship service and my sermon for that Sunday.
- The first full week in November we will have our annual Fall & Winter Clothing Giveaway. Although this is not my favorite event, I know that there are those in our community who need the clothes that we provide. I am also excited about trying to work with our supporting church and Wonder City on how we can turn this paternalistic event into one that is more of a partnership between our two churches to serve our community.
- After the clothing giveaway we will make our turn into the holiday activities—the Turkey Giveaway and Christmas Store. Countless families and children have been blessed through these events that have brightened the holiday season that otherwise would have been much less joyful.
All of this means that it is a very busy time for us at Wonder City in addition to the weekly ministry that takes place. Please keep us in constant prayer as we seek to fulfill the Biblical mandate to bring God and people together.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good Food

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
At CCDA Conference & Steve Harvey Video

I am in St. Louis for the CCDA conference. This is my fifth year in a row to attend this conference. It is always a great time to get away and hear from others doing urban ministry. The worship tonight was some of the best in the five years I have attended the conference. The speaker tonight was from the Dominican Republic and has a great message about the way things are done in the Kingdom of God verses the Empire (the world). I know that come Saturday afternoon I have to come down from this mountaintop experience and reenter the "real" world. In some ways I am already looking forward to that. There are some real opportunities awaiting me back in the greater Memphis area. I will share more about those in the future.
I also wanted to share a video clip that was used to kick off our evening and worship tonight. It is of Steve Harvey introducing Jesus. It was filmed at Atlanta's Phillips Arena at Bishop T.D. Jakes Megafest and is entilted "Don't Trip...He Ain't Through With Me Yet. I came back to my hotel room tonight and found it online. (Be patient--it may take a minute to load. But trust me it is worth it.)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
MUM Marriage Retreat
Mountain Top Experience
This past weekend Mack and I had the pleasure of attending Memphis Urban Minsitry’s annual marriage retreat. We along with Linda and Troy represented Wonder City at the retreat. While I can’t tell you about the sessions or what was said (because what happens at the marriage retreat stays at the marriage retreat), what a wonderful time it was to be in God’s presence in the mountains at the retreat with the other couples.. In similar style to the song Have you seen Jesus my Lord, “if you have ever stood on a mountaintop looking at the majestic view – then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.” For Linda and Troy this was their first experience seeing mountains and attending a marriage retreat. While I know Linda well, this was my first opportunity to spend time with Troy. I found out that when he is on the 14th floor of a hotel he gets nervous. That his quiet reserve keeps him laid back and peaceful. That once you get to know him, he opens up and shares some of his story. More importantly I found out that he loves to have fun, he loves beautiful scenery, and he truly loves Linda. In spending more time with Linda, I found that she loves looking at the mountains, she loves worship, and she prays for God’s purpose in her life and in her marriage. While I went to the marriage retreat to focus inwardly on my own relationship with God and my relationship with Mack, I found myself taking the time to continue to build relationships with my brothers and sisters at the retreat. This past weekend I experienced a 9 hour van ride to some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I experienced what it is like for someone to face their deepest fear, and was able to help that person through my trust and faith in God. I experienced what it is like to see God in the beauty of his creation. I experienced what it is like to strengthen relationships with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I experienced what it is like to be moved by the spirit in worship. More than anything I experienced a deeper relationship with God by taking the time to focus on him in my life. I have stood on the mountain, in awe of the power of God, and prayed to God that he will continue to be my guide on my journey to the Mountain Top of my life. I encourage you to take the time to be still, to admire God’s beauty in people and in your life, to strengthen the relationships with your Christian family and to focus on the opportunities that lie ahead of you to deepen your relationship with God in your service to him.
Monday, September 10, 2007
All Good Things...
Someone asked me today if I have ever taken two weeks like that before. I never had. Almost ten years in ministry and over six years at Wonder City and I have never taken two straight weeks. That points to one of my issues—I am a workaholic. Not that I work 80 hours a week. But I will work multiple days and not take my days off. I will go and go and look back and realize that I have worked 28 out of 31 days in a month. That simply is not healthy. My workaholism comes out of a need for people’s approval. (“Look how hard Mack is working. He is doing such a good job.”) I am learning balance in my life and that I don’t have to be a workaholic to have people like me.
God created that balance. He gave Adam and Eve work (before the fall). Their job was to tend to the garden. But God also gave rest—he called it Sabbath. Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” God knows we need rest. God knows that many of us will not rest unless we are made too. God had brought me to a place where I had to rest. I am thankful for that rest. I am also thankful for what I am learning about balance.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Paying Attention
However, this got me thinking about how often I (and others) don’t pay attention. I can’t tell you how many times in a week I say the expression “if it was a snake it would have bit me/you” about an object right under my or someone else’s nose.
What I wonder most about is the number of things that God puts right under our nose that we miss. How many opportunities to practice some form of Christian service because we are only focused on ourselves, where we are going, and we have to get done? How many opportunities to share an encouraging word with a brother or sister who is down? How many opportunities to serve someone in need? How many opportunities to share Jesus with a non-believer? I truly hope that we are not so focused on ourselves that these missed opportunities come back to bite us (Matthew 25:31-46).
Friday, August 17, 2007
School Store & Denpendency
This week’s school supply giveaway—while a great service to our community—has allowed me some time to reflect on the subject of dependency. One reason is that I knew there would be people whom I never see except for at our giveaways who would walk through our doors yesterday. Additionally, we have had one of our founding families recently walk away due to the churches’ unwillingness to continue to support their dependency issues. It breaks my heart when I see people who are so dependent on others they will do nothing for themselves. It takes a lot of work and a lot of time to break the cycles of poverty and dependency. However, it is possible. While at the School Store on Thursday I heard a success story. A young lady who attended WC as a teenager (but hasn’t been around for about 4 years) will be entering her senior year at University of Central Arkansas (Conway) next week. She will graduate next spring with a teacher’s degree. She has also made it this far without having a baby. In fact her family member who was giving me this information told me that she said, “I don’t have time for a baby.” I don’t know to what extent the time she was at Wonder City has helped her achieve her life goals and break some of those cycles of dependency for herself (and hopefully her children). However, what I do know is that it is possible.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Young Men Stepping Up
Monday, July 09, 2007
NACC, Live from KC

However, the largest benefit from being there last week was the personal renewal. It was good just to be away from the daily routine of ministry, the pressures, the tasks, the crisis, and spend some time being fed. I came to the conference ready to leave full-time paid ministry. I was ready to transition to another career (I have been thinking education). However, even after the opening session on Tuesday evening I was hearing God’s call on my life to stay in ministry.
The amazing thing behind all of this is, that a few weeks ago, I started sharing with Amy about changing careers and investigating what it would take to get a non-traditional certification to teach Jr. and Sr. High Social Studies and History. She responded by saying something about my stress level and even burnout, having carried the load at Wonder City alone for the past 11 months. I don’t remember her exact words, but whatever they were it was not what I wanted to hear. I did not get the supportive wife that I was looking for. I wanted her to say, “Honey, if that is what you believe God is calling you to, then I will support you one-hundred percent. How can I help you?” Now I believe she was probably right (as much as I hate to admit that). In fact, there have been several times throughout our marriage that I believe she has been closer to the heart of God and in tune with what God wanted for us than I was. (For those of you who don’t know that is a hard fact for a pastor to accept).
I know that I will be right back where I was at in a very short time if two things don’t change. First, and most importantly, I have to change. I have to return home and do some things differently. There are many things that I have the ability to change, which have the potential to affect my sanity and stability in ministry. If I return to West Memphis and don’t do things differently then how can expect a different result. I have heard the definition of insanity as doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result. If I want something different, then I must do something different. And I want something different.
Second, I do need ministry help at Wonder City (and soon)! No matter how many things I change, ministry (and especially urban ministry) is not meant to be done alone. Jesus surrounded himself with twelve disciples. When he sent them out he didn’t send them out alone. He sent them two by two (Mark 6:7). I need my ministry partner. Thankfully, God has recently sent a couple of prospects my (our) way that I have engaged at various levels, for different roles at Wonder City. It is my hope that God will actually provide one of these individuals (if not two or more).
Thank you, Father, for this time of renewal and reflection. May you continue to bless me and Wonder City.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
However, our teens are having a blast. They are loving the free time and learning a lot. Like other youth groups we have had our nuckelhead moments. But it has been stuff that has been realatively minor.
However, the best part about Uplift so far has been the connection to the teens. Kyle (Missouri Street youth minister) told me several times about how it is the best thing he does all summer because of the way kids open up and talk about the junk in their lives and the sins they are struggling with during this week. I have been amazed at how true that has been with the Wonder City kids as well. This week (so far) at least three students have shared deeply with me from their hearts about stuff going on. This is stuff that they have NEVER shared with anyone else. Additionally, the kids have been sharing their angers and other emotions they don't get to share back at home. It has truly been a blessed week.
I have lots of pictures to upload when I get home and will share some of those and further reflections later this week.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Memphis Workcamp 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Written by: Amy McFarland
One of the amazing aspects of this ladies class on Monday nights has been the Acts 2:42-47 nature of the class. It has been reported to me that one of the things the class hopes to do is take care of the needs within the class. Participants have the opportunity to write prayer requests and needs on a card. Then as the class has the means and ability to address the needs, they are taken care of. Last week—right as Amy and I were preparing to leave for vacation—the class facilitator called me and told me they were going to take care of a need that a Wonder City participant had. This is an older lady who lives in an old apartment that does not have central heat and air. Her window AC unit had gone out. She put on her prayer card that God would provide an AC. The group from the class found not one, but two units for her. When they called to set up delivery, they discovered they were too late. God had already provided two units through a family member. God showed up and he showed out! This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have been hearing that God is doing through this group of ladies. True Christian community is being formed and is having an impact.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
A Success Story?

Thursday, May 10, 2007
"New" Worship Space
These are the pictures from the men working at the building. (some pictures were taken with a disposable camera and are not the best quality)
Finally, the "finished" project (some things still need finished--however, it is much better than what is was before). A special thanks to Lyndal Dale, Don Hilburn, and David Arnold for coming down everyday the following week to finish up. Also a special thanks to the C.I.A. (Christianity In Action) group who came this past Sunday and did even more work.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Combined Worship
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Web Page
Our website has been delayed due to the inability to find a volunteer who knows enough to put together and maintain a good website for Wonder City. In the meantime though, this website along with my blog here will serve as our source for web information about Wonder City.
Currently on this webpage is a short video I did for a church in Memphis about our need for a new facility to call home. (Actually, I didn't do any part of it. Someone came and taped me speaking and then went and put it together.) Check it out anyway!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The purpose of community building and community development is to see that everyone has a chance to be connected in a meaningful, enduring manner to at least a few other people...Building community must remain our clear mission, informing everything we do in the city. Our work cannot be just about charity or compassion or "helping" people. It cannot be fundamentally about providing people volunteer opportunities. The basis of what we seek to accomplish is fundamentally not about feeding people, housing people, healing people or educating people. We must go further. While we may decide to use activities like these to do part of our work, and while such actions often will prove necessary, our goal must always be to connect people to one another for improved well being and for the experience of authentic, human community.
This weekend there are several activities that will be used to build community between parent and daughter church. First, a group of men from the Just Brothers men's Bible study is going to come on Saturday and work on our building to make it more of a place to worship and learn about God. Secondly, Missouri Street and Wonder City will have a combined worship service on Sunday-the first in the 7 1/2 years of Wonder City. It is our goal and hope that these activities will serve as a catalyst for community development and growth between these two communities. I will write more next week and let you know my impressions of the weekend.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Spring & Summer Clothing Giveaway Report
Ellen Jones
Tammy White
Ovella Wilson
Domique Davis
Anna Duniquian
Erinstin Tucker
Tomeka Duniqian
Francis Cheers
Mattie Miller
Delores Foy
Kawanna Sims
Estella Bennett
Annie Simes
Kiria Moore
Sharon Hall
Dela Tucker
Beaty Bradly
Trisha Davis
Joyce Miller
Monica Watson
Veler Smith
Vella Smith
Ann Rodgers
Mary Ann Rozie
Jerrod McClure
LaShunda Foster
Lievia Ceaston
Johnny Davis
Barbara Andrews
Linda Long
LaShawn Williams
The one who also requested an in-home Bible study is LaShawn Williams.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Way Too Busy
Thursday morning (3/29)-It is Thursday and I haven't started my sermon for Sunday yet. I have several meetings today which will limit my time to work on it today. Tomorrow we are having internet installed at the house and our new bedroom furniture is being delivered. Amy will be gone on Saturday visiting her mother and attending a lady's day. However, there is a gathering of my friends on Saturday from 9 to 4 I want to attend. Saturday evening at 5pm I have a Just Brothers fish fry. When/How will it all get done?
Here it is Friday night and I think that I am not going to make my gathering of friends. I need to stay home and take the time while Amy is gone to work on my sermon. The problem is that this is how life has been for me recently. I am need to slow down. I need to learn to say "no."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Building Update

At that time the elders were in the process of adding new elders and decided to wait until they were on board to make a decision. Two new elders have now been added and they are ready to move forward with making a decision. Although nothing is official at this point, everything looks positive. I have met with them several times to discuss the building and answer questions. I have also met with several of them individually over the past couple of months.
Please continue to pray that God’s will will be done. I am hopeful that we will be in our “new” building no later than middle July.
Depending On God
However, it is the opposite for those ministered to by Wonder City. They depend on God to meet their every physical need. The challenge for them is to depend on him for their spiritual needs as well. Many we minister to don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Many don’t know where they will sleep that night. I have even noticed this year how many people are wearing lightweight, early fall or late spring, jackets during these extremely cold winter days—because that is all they have. They depend on God for everything they have—from the shoes on their feet, food on their tables, and clothes on their backs (as one song we sing says).
However, for the poor to depend on God spiritually is another story. Addictions run rampant in our neighborhood. Addictions to drugs and alcohol are the most evident. But, there is also gambling and sex addictions as well. These are used as coping mechanisms for the daily struggles of life. When life gets to be too much to handle, many in our neighborhood turn to these vices to escape reality. The bottle or the joint becomes the spiritual answer to life’s problems—not God. Every Sunday we have a time for church members to stand up and say what God has done for them that week. Over and over again we here things like—“healed me, paid this or that bill, etc.” Rarely do we hear—“forgave my sins,” or some other spiritual answer. However, in my experience in more traditional church settings this is exactly the answer that is given, and rarely does someone answer “by putting food on my table this morning.”
As this distinction was brought to the forefront of my mind again, I realized that the struggle for each one of us to is put God first in all areas of our lives. Where we struggle is different for each of us based on where we are in life. Some need to hear the words of Jesus found in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (the physical needs Jesus spoke of in verses 25-32) will be given to you as well.” Others need to hear what Jesus said to the rich ruler, “Sell everything you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Lk. 18:22). The rich ruler needed to learn dependence on God for his physical needs and not rely on his wealth.
I would like to challenge your dependence on God, as mine has been challenged by this question. Do you depend on God in all areas of your life? Are there areas where you depend on something or someone, instead of God to fulfill your needs? As you ask yourself these questions, take note of the areas in which dependence on God is lacking, and strive to depend on God in every aspect of your life.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
A Commitment Fulfilled
The lessons that I have learned through this process over the past three years are patience and dependence upon God. There is a saying in the neighborhood, “God may not come when you want him, but he will always be right on time.” The first year-and-a-half was very tough for Amy and me. There was no financial backing to our full-time work from Missouri Street. I had to raise my whole salary. Things for several months didn’t look good. In fact, only a few people know that during the summer of 2004, I sent a resume to a church that was looking to hire an Outreach Minister. I didn’t see how Amy and I could make it the way things were looking. Nothing materialized out of that resume, and Missouri Street also stepped up with some money. We were making it, but barely. The three year commitment still loomed over us. Would we be able to fulfill it? Would we have to go elsewhere? We loved Wonder City, but also had to do what was best for our financial future and stability.
Then the news came in early June, 2005 that the Mauldin’s were leaving. That changed everything for us. The elders at Missouri Street asked me to be the Interim Director for Wonder City. With that came more compensation. Then in November, 2005, they asked me to remove Interim from my job title. Again, financially things looked even better for us. God was making himself known to us and what he wanted for Amy and me. It would have been nice to know what God’s will for us was back in 2003. But without the process, the ride wouldn’t have been as much fun and the lessons that Amy and I have learned would have gone unlearned.
As I was lying in bed Monday night, I realized that commitment we made has now been fulfilled. I haven’t thought about that commitment much since the summer of 2005 when the Mauldin’s told us they were leaving. We now know that God wants us here at Wonder City. How long, only God knows. But we are not looking to leave. We love being in Arkansas. We love being at Missouri Street. We love being at Wonder City.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Pursuit of Happyness

There are very positive messages in the movie. Will Smith’s character (Chris Gardner) talks about not knowing who his dad was until he was 28 years old but that his son would grow up knowing him. Throughout the movie Chris is making sure he maintains his relationship with his son—even when his wife/girlfriend (the movie never really tells) leaves and moves across the country. There is also a scene in the movie where Chris has just told his son, who loves basketball, that he will probably not be any good at it. Chris’ son immediately puts his ball away and is ready to leave the court. He realizes what he has done and then tells his son to never let anyone tell him he can’t do something—even his own dad.

These messages are all contrary to the gospel message. Christ teaches that because of sin we can’t do it by ourselves. Doing it ourselves and our way and not relying on God has gotten us into the mess we as a human race are in. Christianity is not a “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” religion. We are dependent upon God, the blood of Jesus, and fellowship of fellow Christians to be “successful.”
Jesus teaches that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). Those who have served money have stated how empty it left them feeling and no mater how much they had they always wanted more.
If the movie makers really wanted an inspirational story about the key to happiness they would have found one with a very Christian theme—forgiveness. According to a December, 2002, USA Today article “‘Materialism is toxic for happiness,’ says University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener. Even rich materialists aren't as happy as those who care less about getting and spending. The article also quoted University of Michigan psychologist Christopher Peterson, who indicated forgiveness is the trait most strongly linked to happiness. Peterson said, ‘It's the queen of all virtues, and probably the hardest to come by.’ ”
Monday, January 08, 2007
Well that's not entirely true. I read a book Amy gave me for Christmas--Clive Cussler's The Treasure of Khan. (Cussler is my favorite author and has written many books with a central character--Dirk Pitt. His Pitt novel Sahara was turned into a major motion picture.) I also watched as much of the 4th day of 24 as I could. I love 24 and Jack Bauer. I was hoping to watch all of season 4 and 5 before this season starts, but I don't think I am going to make it. I still have 2.5 hours of day 4 to finish. And lots of ESPN! But other than that--nothing. Just books and TV. It was great!
Yesterday, it was back to the grind though. Although, I was ready to get back to work. So here I am back at work. This looks like one of the busiest January and Februarys in several years. More on that later.
Honoring My Grandma
As the family gathered over Christmas week to honor and remember my Grandma several things stuck out to me. First, my Grandma was a person who deeply loved her family. This was demonstrated in many ways. She made it a point to be at anything that was important to her family. She was at both my graduation from college and graduate school and at my wedding to Amy. She did the same for my sisters. I heard other family members talk about their special events that she made it a point to be at. She also showed her love by sending us cards on our special days—birthdays, anniversaries, etc. She never missed one. In fact, my Grandma would mail over 1000 cards per year—all at her own expense.
Second, was her Christ-like character. She never complained. No one in the family ever remembers her complaining about anything. Even in her last days when she was in pain all she would say was, “God is in control.” When we were children running around her house, Grandma would never get on to us—Grandpa, that’s another story—but not Grandma. In fact, several of us made a decision while at Grandma’s celebrating her life that we were going to strive to follow her example more by not being complainers.
Why else did I love my Grandma. Well, simply because she was my Grandma! I will miss her. I will miss her enthusiasm for life and her humor. (Remind me to tell you the Y2K and “Happy New Ear” stories sometime.) I will miss her at all the important events in my life in the future. I will miss seeing Christ through her. However, I know that she is now with Christ, and I look forward to the day when I will see her again.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and my family over the past two weeks.