Thursday, April 26, 2007

Web Page

Take a minute and check out Wonder City's page on the Memphis Urban Mininstry website.

Our website has been delayed due to the inability to find a volunteer who knows enough to put together and maintain a good website for Wonder City. In the meantime though, this website along with my blog here will serve as our source for web information about Wonder City.

Currently on this webpage is a short video I did for a church in Memphis about our need for a new facility to call home. (Actually, I didn't do any part of it. Someone came and taped me speaking and then went and put it together.) Check it out anyway!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


This weekend is all about community. Specifically, it is about building community between Missouri Street Church of Christ and Wonder City Church. Reflecting on the shooting that took place this past Monday at Virginia Tech Larry James wrote about the need for community on his blog.

The purpose of community building and community development is to see that everyone has a chance to be connected in a meaningful, enduring manner to at least a few other people...Building community must remain our clear mission, informing everything we do in the city. Our work cannot be just about charity or compassion or "helping" people. It cannot be fundamentally about providing people volunteer opportunities. The basis of what we seek to accomplish is fundamentally not about feeding people, housing people, healing people or educating people. We must go further. While we may decide to use activities like these to do part of our work, and while such actions often will prove necessary, our goal must always be to connect people to one another for improved well being and for the experience of authentic, human community.

This weekend there are several activities that will be used to build community between parent and daughter church. First, a group of men from the Just Brothers men's Bible study is going to come on Saturday and work on our building to make it more of a place to worship and learn about God. Secondly, Missouri Street and Wonder City will have a combined worship service on Sunday-the first in the 7 1/2 years of Wonder City. It is our goal and hope that these activities will serve as a catalyst for community development and growth between these two communities. I will write more next week and let you know my impressions of the weekend.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring & Summer Clothing Giveaway Report

On March 22, Wonder City served the community by giving away the clothes that were donated for our Spring and Summer Clothing Giveaway. 39 individuals came through and received clothes for 117 people. Part of what we do at any of our outreach service events is ask the community what they need spiritually from Wonder City. Options include prayer, to be picked up for services on Sunday and/or Wednesday, and an in-home Bible study. 35 of those who came through requested that Wonder City simply pray for them. One (other than current church members) also requested to have an in-home Bible study. Please take time this week and lift these people up to the Father in prayer. Their names are

Ellen Jones
Tammy White
Ovella Wilson
Domique Davis
Anna Duniquian
Erinstin Tucker
Tomeka Duniqian
Francis Cheers
Mattie Miller
Delores Foy
Kawanna Sims
Estella Bennett
Annie Simes
Kiria Moore
Sharon Hall
Dela Tucker
Beaty Bradly
Trisha Davis
Joyce Miller
Monica Watson
Veler Smith
Vella Smith
Ann Rodgers
Mary Ann Rozie
Jerrod McClure
LaShunda Foster
Lievia Ceaston
Johnny Davis
Barbara Andrews
Linda Long
LaShawn Williams

The one who also requested an in-home Bible study is LaShawn Williams.