Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Right Time

Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 talks about how there is a time and a season for every activity on earth. It was the summer of 2000 when I was attending Harding Graduate School that I took the Urban Ministry class and was first introduced to Memphis Urban Ministry. That began the process for me (and Amy) to move from the boot heel of Missouri (where I was a pulpit minister) to come to the Memphis area and work at Wonder City. Amy and I moved here January 6, 2001 and began working at Wonder City on February 1, 2001. Although things were financially difficult for us for a while that was the right time for us. The past six plus years have been very rewarding for us and we would not give up this experience for anything.

However, now it is time for me to move on from Wonder City. This past September the elders at Missouri Street asked me to look at whether I was the right person to lead Wonder City long term considering it would only be a one person ministry for a while. After Amy and I both retook the Uniquely You personality profiles, had a couple of career consulting sessions and met with several other individuals along with much prayer, it was obvious that my gifts and personality would be best used by God in another role. Because of our love for Wonder City (and Missouri Street) this decision was not made lightly and was very difficult.

During this time I was also presented with the opportunity to become the Director of Development for Memphis Urban Ministry This new job will allow me to work more out my spiritual gifts than where I am currently as the minister of Wonder City. This new job will also allow me to continue to work for the future success of Wonder City (along with all the other urban churches) again by focusing my time and energy on those areas where God has gifted me. At this time there are still a few final steps that need to be taken to fully secure this new position, however, I fully believe this new position is God’s will.

The elders and I are still working towards determining an actual last day—probably at the end of the year. The work at Wonder City is God’s work (Eccles. 3:14). It was not my ministry. It is God’s ministry and I fully believe that he will continue to what he has been doing to reach those to whom Wonder City appeals and reaches out to. The elders have also reassured me and the Wonder City members that they are still very much behind the ministry at Wonder City and will work to find a new minister for Wonder City.

For those who financially support me in my work at Wonder City I will be contacting you within the next couple of weeks to talk with you more fully as your continued support will be a key to my success in my new role. To everyone I covet your prayers both for Amy and I and Wonder City during this time of transition. God Bless.


PassDOOLAllmyC said...

My God Bless you and your wife for sharing his word. I am a non active christan but love god very much. I moved to Kansas because my dead grandfather came to me in a dream and told me that is where i belonged. I met my husband a month later. God will lead you were you need to be if you beleive and have faith in him. I'm sure you will find the place where you can bring joy to someone.

God Bless you!

BigMacTN said...

Mack, Ron has an update on his mission work posted here Happy Thanksgiving!

Janelle, David, Christopher and Jacob

David said...

Mack, I know that could not have been an easy decision but God bless you and Amy as you persue this new area of ministry. Hope to see you guys over the holidays.


David said...

Mack (and Amy), your dedication and service to this ministry has been a great example, a great blessing and an inspiration that there is much work to do. I am so glad I was able to at least see a part of it on my visits there. Thank you for opening our eyes to these people God loves.
