The picture is of Jeremy this past June at Uplift.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Update on Jeremy
The picture is of Jeremy this past June at Uplift.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bring a Friend Sunday
(caption reads, "for all you visiting, let me reassure you that the overhead usually works, the lady who water the plants is just on vacation, and the lapel mike is never ordinarily misplaced...")
Well, we had that type of Sunday. Our volunteer teachers for our 3-5 year old class didn't show up. I had several audio-visual things planned-none of it worked. The worship leader changed a couple of songs mid-service with no words for the new songs. In many ways yesterday was not the day I was hoping and praying for. Amy says that God was laughing in my face for putting the cartoon in our bulletin.
However, at the same time when things don't go the way I planned it is for a reason. God is usually demonstrating that he can take something that looks like a train wreck and make something good out of it. We had two men at church yesterday who I don't know have ever been there. One of those men is the husband of one of our Servant Leaders-Ann. In fact, she had not invited him to come with her yesterday. However, she was completely shocked when he woke up yesterday and asked her what he needed to wear to church. Yesterday afternoon when Amy and I were at the hospital visiting Jeremy he was also there and he told me "good sermon." In spite of the train wreck that was yesterday's worship service, God opened his heart received the message from yesterday's worship.
Update on Jeremy
Many prayers are still needed. There is still a long road ahead and it is still a wait and see situation.
At this time there is still no offical news on exactly what happened.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Young Black Men & Violence
However, an event occurred yesterday that preempted the other post. One of our 18 year old young men (Jeremy) was shot yesterday. At this point in the investigation the police do not know if the gunshot was self-inflicted or someone else shot him. He and his family are not doing well. The bullet from a “small caliber revolver” entered through the mouth and bounced around inside his brain where it remains. Although he still has too much function to be declared legally brain dead there is nothing more the doctors can do for him. According to the doctors “it is just a matter of time.”
Whether this was self-inflicted or not this event is just a grave reminder of violence in the lives of young black men. A couple years ago some young men from the neighborhood were playing Russian Roulette and a young man picked up the gun, spun the barrel and said, “What the *#@!, I have nothing to live for.” He then pulled the trigger and killed himself. Although we don’t know yet exactly what happened in Jeremy’s case, how sad and disturbing it is for a young man to play Russian Roulette because they don’t believe they have anything worth living for. When one has no hope of an education or a job or a decent standard of living, it can appear as though there is nothing to live for. Even if one wouldn’t be attempting suicide any other way, just sitting around and playing such a dangerous game with such a thought running through one’s mind blows me away.
Jeremy though did have something to live for. He had moved out of his momma’s house earlier in the year—a young man wanting his independence. However, just three days before this happened he had returned home. He had spoken to his mom about going down to the community college and getting his GED. He rode to and from church Wednesday night with me on the church van. At no time did he appear to be someone who was contemplating suicide. If this was a self-inflicted g.s.w. I have no idea what he could have been thinking—nor does any of his family.
On the other hand if he was shot by someone else, Jeremy has become just another statistic of black on black violence. One more scenario of a black man attempting (at this point) to kill another black man. What happened or what an argument could have been about is still unknown. Jeremy and another young man were alone in the back of a house where this took place. However, what is known is that we have become a culture that is desensitized to violence. Guns are too easy to get a hold of. It is time for the violence and the killing to stop!
Let me be perfectly clear, at this point it is still unclear exactly how Jeremy was shot. The police have not said one way or the other. However, I couldn’t help thinking about both scenarios and reflect about how many of our young black men in our society are “fated” to such a premature and violent death.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Busy and Exciting Times
Wednesday I wrote that there are some exciting things awaiting me when I get back to Memphis. Here is a quick summary of some of those exciting things.
- Last Sunday we had over 60 in attendance. Although I was out of town this past Wednesday night (here at CCDA) I heard there were quite a few there then as well. I know that it has been at least a couple of months since we have had 60 on a Sunday morning.
- Next weekend we will probably have a few teens who attend the Camp Tahkodah Retreat with our supporting church. This has always been a great time for our teenagers. Each year I have been blessed at Tahkodah to have deep and meaningful conversations with some of teens about their lives and spiritual matters. Two years ago I even had the privilege of baptizing one of them at Tahkodah.
- Next Sunday, October 21st, those who are at Wonder City will celebrate our 8th Anniversary. Eight years ago on the third Sunday in October Wonder City held its first Sunday worship service. (Of course the work began earlier in 1999 with a block party that spring that lead to a children’s church and a group that started meeting for a prayer and Bible Study on Wednesday nights.) Amy & I weren’t around on that first Sunday. We came in January, 2001. Although we are not planning any special celebration it is a major accomplishment to celebrate 8 years! It has also been a very interesting and fun ride for Amy and I over the past 6+ years.
- The following weekend on Sunday, October 28th, we will have our first annual Bring a Friend Sunday. I am very excited about this opportunity for several reasons. First, this was not my idea. Nor, was it an idea of anyone from here at our supporting church. This was an idea of one of Wonder City’s church members that other church members bought into. Second, since our members have taken ownership with this idea I am excited to see how many visitors we have that Sunday. I am expecting several people who have never been to Wonder City to be there that Sunday. I am so pumped about this weekend that I have already started planning the worship service and my sermon for that Sunday.
- The first full week in November we will have our annual Fall & Winter Clothing Giveaway. Although this is not my favorite event, I know that there are those in our community who need the clothes that we provide. I am also excited about trying to work with our supporting church and Wonder City on how we can turn this paternalistic event into one that is more of a partnership between our two churches to serve our community.
- After the clothing giveaway we will make our turn into the holiday activities—the Turkey Giveaway and Christmas Store. Countless families and children have been blessed through these events that have brightened the holiday season that otherwise would have been much less joyful.
All of this means that it is a very busy time for us at Wonder City in addition to the weekly ministry that takes place. Please keep us in constant prayer as we seek to fulfill the Biblical mandate to bring God and people together.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good Food

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
At CCDA Conference & Steve Harvey Video

I am in St. Louis for the CCDA conference. This is my fifth year in a row to attend this conference. It is always a great time to get away and hear from others doing urban ministry. The worship tonight was some of the best in the five years I have attended the conference. The speaker tonight was from the Dominican Republic and has a great message about the way things are done in the Kingdom of God verses the Empire (the world). I know that come Saturday afternoon I have to come down from this mountaintop experience and reenter the "real" world. In some ways I am already looking forward to that. There are some real opportunities awaiting me back in the greater Memphis area. I will share more about those in the future.
I also wanted to share a video clip that was used to kick off our evening and worship tonight. It is of Steve Harvey introducing Jesus. It was filmed at Atlanta's Phillips Arena at Bishop T.D. Jakes Megafest and is entilted "Don't Trip...He Ain't Through With Me Yet. I came back to my hotel room tonight and found it online. (Be patient--it may take a minute to load. But trust me it is worth it.)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
MUM Marriage Retreat
Mountain Top Experience
This past weekend Mack and I had the pleasure of attending Memphis Urban Minsitry’s annual marriage retreat. We along with Linda and Troy represented Wonder City at the retreat. While I can’t tell you about the sessions or what was said (because what happens at the marriage retreat stays at the marriage retreat), what a wonderful time it was to be in God’s presence in the mountains at the retreat with the other couples.. In similar style to the song Have you seen Jesus my Lord, “if you have ever stood on a mountaintop looking at the majestic view – then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.” For Linda and Troy this was their first experience seeing mountains and attending a marriage retreat. While I know Linda well, this was my first opportunity to spend time with Troy. I found out that when he is on the 14th floor of a hotel he gets nervous. That his quiet reserve keeps him laid back and peaceful. That once you get to know him, he opens up and shares some of his story. More importantly I found out that he loves to have fun, he loves beautiful scenery, and he truly loves Linda. In spending more time with Linda, I found that she loves looking at the mountains, she loves worship, and she prays for God’s purpose in her life and in her marriage. While I went to the marriage retreat to focus inwardly on my own relationship with God and my relationship with Mack, I found myself taking the time to continue to build relationships with my brothers and sisters at the retreat. This past weekend I experienced a 9 hour van ride to some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I experienced what it is like for someone to face their deepest fear, and was able to help that person through my trust and faith in God. I experienced what it is like to see God in the beauty of his creation. I experienced what it is like to strengthen relationships with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I experienced what it is like to be moved by the spirit in worship. More than anything I experienced a deeper relationship with God by taking the time to focus on him in my life. I have stood on the mountain, in awe of the power of God, and prayed to God that he will continue to be my guide on my journey to the Mountain Top of my life. I encourage you to take the time to be still, to admire God’s beauty in people and in your life, to strengthen the relationships with your Christian family and to focus on the opportunities that lie ahead of you to deepen your relationship with God in your service to him.