Part of my job in my role with Memphis Urban Ministry is to cultivate relationship with existing area congregations and find ways that they can partner with MUM to serve the poor in Memphis. Ross Road Church is a church in southeast Memphis. Southeast Memphis is an area of town that over the last couple of years many of the poor have been moving. As the City of Memphis has closed appartment housing complexs and dispursed the residents across the city many have found a new "home" in the neighborhoods aroudn Ross Road Church. This church that used to be full of young professionals has been in decline over the past several years as the community around it has changed. However, those who remain have a heart to reach out to those who have moved into the community. They are located next door to an elementary school and have partnered with the school. They have also hired a new minister recently from Texas who has been involved in urban ministry work (in particular drug rehab work). This congregation has decided this year to partner with MUM to give away the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner (turkey included) through our Turkey Giveaway. After Thanksgiving, they will also partner with us to provide toys to the neighborhood children through the Christmas Store. We are excited about this new partnership. This will give MUM an inroad into that community and church home to point the poor to in southeast Memphis.
Very cool!
Great to hear Bro. I know Bruce, David and Percell have a heart to reach those in their community.
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