Friday, October 17, 2008


For the first time in about 10 years I went to a chiropractor this morning. I was in so much back pain on Wednesday that I broke down and made an appointment. All of my back issues started when I was in jr. high and playing basketball at the YMCA. One practice, my team was practicing the 2 on 1 fast break. I was the player to put up the layup . When I did my teammate (playing the defense) undercut me to get in position for the rebound. I fell hard on my lower back. I saw a chiropractor from 1993 to 95 (went I left home for college). And I had a few additional adjustments when I was home from college on breaks. However, my back pain has never completely gone away. It is something that flares up from time to time and I have just dealt with. My new chiropractor took an x-ray this morning and my lower back still has the curve in spinal column that was there over 10 years ago. She adjusted my back and I left feeling much better. I go back Tuesday morning for another adjustment. This may seem odd, but I can't wait!


Bob, Sarah, and Miriam Logsdon said...

I had no idea, Mack, in all of the years of knowing you and hooping with you that you had back pain. You either hid it well or have a high threshold of pain. Blessings on the realignment process. Good to see you blogging. Sarah is representing for our household. Grace and peace.

Mack McF. said...

I do have a high threshold for pain. But I also hide it well. Most of the time my back bothers me in the morning and after sitting long periods. Activity actually helps it feel better. However, recently the pain has been increasing. The few adjustments I have had have greatly helped. God Bless bro.