Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Shoes

I have never liked the song "Christmas Shoes." I don't really don't know why. It may be due to the fact that Christmas is supposed to be a happy ocasion with family and friends and that song focuses on a more depressing event. However, I now understand that song with an understanding I wish I didn't have. To use the lyrics from the song...

My Grandma went to meet Jesus this morning.

I have cried a couple times today already and I am sure that I will cry some more. But as my mom said this morning when she told me, "Grandma got the best Christmas gift of all...she went home." I miss her already. I miss that she will never know her great-grandkids that Amy and I will have one day. I miss her warm smile and unconditional love. But I am thankful that she is not suffering. To borrow the lines from another song--I can only imagine the joy that she has right now. I can only imagine the peace that she has. I long for the day when I will see her again.

I love you Grandma!

1 comment:

Jeremy Gregg said...

Mack, thanks for linking to Larry James' Urban Daily.

As you know, he recently launched a campaign to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.

Thanks to people like you, we've raised over 73% of that goal -- which is quite amazing, considering that this is our first such effort!

You can see it here:

Many blessings to you and yours. Thanks for your support!

Jeremy Gregg
Director of Development
Central Dallas Ministries