Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Blog Reading

Recently I have read several blog posts that need to be shared. The points made are too good not to be passed around. They were written by two men (Mike Cope and Larry James) that I have a huge amount of respect for (although I don't know either personally). In my opinion, these are two blogs that you (especially those in Churches of Christ) need to be reading on a regular basis.

Go to Mike Cope's Blog and read his posts titled Leroy, Richland Hills, and Instrumental Music and the one titled A Cappella Music.

Also, read Larry James' Urban Daily post titled Rick Warren and his critics.


Anonymous said...

Two questions I think you need to answer:

1. Are you advocating that churches of Christ, and specifically Missouri Street Church of Christ, switch to an instrumental format?

2. Do you think it is appropriate for a man who has openly opposed EVERY anti-abortion measure that has come before him to speak in a Christian assembly? Just because he SAYS he cares for the poor, does that excuse his approval of the murder of unborn children? Who does he think get the most abortions? THE POOR.

Mack McF. said...


Thank you for your questions.

No, I am not advocating that Churches of Christ, and specifically Missouri Street Church of Christ, switch to an instrumental format. In fact, if you read the second of the Mike Cope articles he is advocating for Churches of Christ to remain a cappella.

What I am advocating (through both Mike Cope’s articles and Larry James’ article) is that we major in majors. We need to focus on the areas that are of importance and where we agree and work together instead of dividing over non-essentials and areas of disagreement. As for the Obama related question—why not have him speak about poverty? It would be inappropriate if he was being asked to come speak against abortion. But he wasn’t going to speak about abortion, he was to speak about poverty.

The level of cooperation and focusing on majors is something that we are already doing at Missouri Street. I know for a fact there are those at Missouri Street who are extremely conservative and there are those who are very progressive (as far as Churches of Christ go—on a whole we are all pretty conservative). But we don’t focus on the areas of disagreement. I don’t hear rumblings of a church split over some small issue or a group wanting things “their way.” Instead, Missouri Street members focus on the areas where they agree and work for the common good. Why can’t that be expanded beyond the church walls to those with whom we may have less in common with? Why can’t we work with them where we agree to create a greater impact for good?

By the way, the profile of who receives the most abortions in the US is a white (60%), never-married (64.4%), Protestant (37.4%) woman under 25 years old (52%) who makes between $30,000 and $59,999 annually (38%). She has the abortion for social reasons—the child is unwanted or inconvenient (93% of all abortions). Check out the statistics at