The thing I have heard over and over about this year’s Christmas Store from those who were there is that it was “the best Christmas Store we have ever had.” This is coming from church members, repeat volunteer workers, and community members. Officially the Christmas Store served over 100 adults who shopped for over 300 kids. That is over 300 children who will wake up Christmas morning with a gift under the tree to unwrap.
I need to take a minute and give out a special, “Thank You,” to all who made it possible for me to be away from the Christmas Store and be with my family. To Ann Rodgers (Wonder City Church member and Servant Leader) for running the Christmas Store. To Rodney Smithers, Phil and Barbara Clothier, and Sue Cash for coming down from Missouri Street to lead a hand. To Ryan and Emily Fowler for coming from Memphis Urban Ministry to lead a hand as well. To my wife Amy, who was unable to be with me in Indianapolis (although she wanted to be there), who took care a some last minute details and made sure that I was where I needed to be this past weekend.

I wish I had a story from someone from the Christmas Store about what it meant specifically to them, but I don’t. What I do have is a quote from Ryan Fowler (the Memphis Urban Ministry Administrator) who helped work the store. This is what he said.
Well, to me, the neatest part of the entire day wasn't necessarily all of the toys that were handed out. I found it even more special to see the Wonder City Church members who were there, some of whom could have easily been on the other side of the checkout counter, but instead were there serving their neighborhood and community by working at the store. The church members from Wonder City did an incredible job of running the store and making sure that everything went the way it needed to. And while Emily and I were happy to be there and to help out, there's just something extra special about neighbors helping out neighbors. That's why I appreciate Wonder City so much - it's a church that connects to the community that it is in, and that's something that all of our churches could do a better job of.

That is exactly what the Christmas Store is all about—connecting the church to the community. Serving those whom we are called to serve. Blooming where God has planted us. And isn’t that also what the Christmas season is all about—getting out of ourselves and giving. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:25). I don’t know that there has ever been a time in the nearly six years that I have been here that I have been prouder of Wonder City Church than I am over what they accomplished through this year’s Christmas Store.
Therefore the biggest, “thank you,” goes out to God. For loving us enough that he sent his son to earth. Born through a virgin. Whose “birthday” we celebrate in just few days. And for his continued work in and through Wonder City.
Merry Christmas!