Friday, July 21, 2006

Youth Camp

Sunday kicks off two solid weeks of camp. Immediately following church Sunday our teens will leave for MUM Youth Camp at Crowley’s Ridge Youth Camp between Jonesboro and Paragould, AR. For most of our teens this is the only time of the year they are able to leave the city. This is the only time they spend in the outdoors (other than their yards). It is a time to relax and leave the pressures of the city behind. For some of our youth camp is “home.” Several years ago one of the teens at camp said that for one week of the year he was at home, and the other fifty-one weeks he was “visiting.” Camp is a safe place for our teens. For that reason, and many others, every year I am ready to step up to the plate and give whatever it takes to make youth camp happen. Youth camp is too important.

This year’s theme for youth camp is “God’s Young Heroes.” We will be looking at the young people in Scripture that God used to accomplish his purposes. People like young Samuel, Josiah, a young David, Daniel, Timothy, Queen Esther, Ruth, and Mary. Our teens will hear that God still uses young people today to accomplish his purposes in this world. Our young people will hear that God will use them, IF they will let him.

Please pray for us at camp this week. Here is a list of specific items to pray for.

  1. God will meet us at camp.
  2. For our Directors and counselors—have patience with the teens and get needed rest.
  3. For our teens—that they will hear God’s call on their life, will have fun, and have a positive attitude all week.

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