Monday, May 22, 2006

Apnointing Leaders

What a great day Sunday, May 7th, was at Wonder City! It was a day that I have been anticipating in general ever since I have started working at Wonder City and more specifically since this past fall. It was the day when, for the very first time after six plus years, Wonder City Church has officially recognized leaders from the community. This does not mean that we have not looked to the members for leadership. It does not mean that important decisions have been made without considering the church’s input. But, now there is a recognized group of individuals from the church who we can go to for ministry and important decisions.

The process started this past fall when we preached through the book of Judges. Our tag line for that study was “God’s Search for Faithful Followers and Legitimate Leaders.” We talked about what it means to be a faithful follower of God and what God is looking for in his leaders. Then in December, based on the voice of the congregation, we put forth 3 ladies who would become our Servant Leaders. These three ladies—Ann R., Linda R., and Linda L.—then went through a lengthy more in-depth study on what it means to be a leader. These ladies took a profile that helped them identify their spiritual gifts and several discussions about how they can work well together based on their gifts. This 8 month process culminated Sunday, when we apnointed (appointed and anointed) these ladies as our Servant Leaders.

Ladies recite their commitment as leaders to the church.

Ann signs the Leadership Covenant as Linda L. waits her turn to sign.

Church gathers around our new leaders and prays for them

We continue to look forward to the day when God provides others, men in particular, who will join these ladies as leaders. We also continue to look forward to the day when we have men who are spiritually mature to become elders. Please be praying that God will bless these ladies and the leadership they will help provide to Wonder City. Pray that God will use them in ways we can’t even imagine. Pray that God will provide others, especially men, who will join these ladies as leaders.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Combined Worship With Downtown Church from Memphis

Several months ago our church members decided they wanted to invite the Downtown Church (another urban church plant located in downtown Memphis) to come worship with us. The date of April 30th was agreed to by both congregations. Since April 30th was a 5th Sunday it was also Everybody Bring Something Sunday (EBSS). EBSS is based on 1 Corinthians 14:26 which says, “What shall we say then, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.” So we encourage all of our church members on the 5th Sundays to bring something to praise God and strengthen the church—a song, a scripture reading, a prayer, a word of encouragement, a poem, a Christian hip-hop rap, etc.

So on April 30th, over 100 from the Downtown Church (DTC) and Wonder City came together for a rousing Spirit filled worship service. It started with a time of worship lead by two men from the DTC in which the church was “transported” the throne of God. Nathan delivered a short message from the book of 1 Corinthians on using our gifts to glorify God and strengthen the body which was followed by our time of members from both churches standing and sharing what they had prepared to glorify God and strengthen the church. The pictures below are from some of the members sharing their gifts and words of encouragement through song, skit, and testimony. This was followed by a time of response where the church could ask for prayers for struggles in their lives. Here is what Anthony Wood wrote about the response time.

I was blessed to lead the response time. Some made general confessions and requested prayer, while others blessed the church with good words. But, one lady in particular stood to confess a very specific sin, "I’ve got a problem with cussin’, and I need God to help me quit!" Her resolve and determination shocked us all, and I said, "You know there’s a difference between cursing and cussin’ someone. Cursing is saying words you shouldn’t say, but cussin’, that’s different. When you cuss someone, you have evil intent, and you mean harm. You know the difference. Our sister has blessed us with a good confession, and I know there’s got to be someone else who wants to confess their sin of cussin’."

At that point, nearly everyone in the audience raised their hands, quickly, with vigor. Then a lady said with a loud voice, "Well, I guess we got us a cussin’ church here." The church roared in laughter, not so much at being a "cussin’ church," but because we could be honest and believed that God would bless our confession and repentance. He does, and because of the blood of Jesus and His resurrection, we can continually be forgiven, and renewed.

It truly amazes me at what God does when his people in honesty and sincerity “confess their sins one to another” (James 5:16). After this time of confession we were able to take of the Lord’s Supper as a family who was right with God. We had laid ourselves bare before him and we were allowing the blood of Jesus to cleanse us.

The time of worship and fellowship was concluded by a meal together where everyone enjoyed visiting and the continued words of encouragement. But as my ministry partner said, “Our real joy left of the conviction that our guest of honor, the Lord’s Spirit, showed up. And we were built up.” It was truly a blessed Sunday.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Update on House

Here is one of the latest pictures of our house. As you can see through the garage, the sheet rock is hung and most of the exterior work is done. We are currently being told that we should be in around the middle of June.