The process started this past fall when we preached through the book of Judges. Our tag line for that study was “God’s Search for Faithful Followers and Legitimate Leaders.” We talked about what it means to be a faithful follower of God and what God is looking for in his leaders. Then in December, based on the voice of the congregation, we put forth 3 ladies who would become our Servant Leaders. These three ladies—Ann R., Linda R., and Linda L.—then went through a lengthy more in-depth study on what it means to be a leader. These ladies took a profile that helped them identify their spiritual gifts and several discussions about how they can work well together based on their gifts. This 8 month process culminated Sunday, when we apnointed (appointed and anointed) these ladies as our Servant Leaders.

Ladies recite their commitment as leaders to the church.
Ann signs the Leadership Covenant as Linda L. waits her turn to sign.
Church gathers around our new leaders and prays for them
We continue to look forward to the day when God provides others, men in particular, who will join these ladies as leaders. We also continue to look forward to the day when we have men who are spiritually mature to become elders. Please be praying that God will bless these ladies and the leadership they will help provide to Wonder City. Pray that God will use them in ways we can’t even imagine. Pray that God will provide others, especially men, who will join these ladies as leaders.